10 Avoidable Google AdWords Mistakes Only Beginners to make by Zafar Ali

Creating great Google ad words campaigns to grow your business is a profitable investment for existing and new businesses. This advertising platform brings traffic to your website by showing it in the search results when someone searches for products and services like the ones you sell.

So if you are a beginner and have decided to grow your business by running a successful Google Ad word campaign, review this article to know the 10 avoidable mistakes that only beginners make and waste their money.

  1. Creating an irrelevant landing page
  2. Choosing poor keywords
  3. No use of negative keywords
  4. No targeting
  5. No tracking
  6. Lack of understanding of campaign goals
  7. No bidding on brand
  8. No use of extensions
  9. Lack of managing the account
  10. Do not know the competitors
1. Creating an irrelevant landing page

A landing page that doesn’t match with the information you have given in the ad. It is necessary that landing the page must be relevant to your campaign objectives to produce high conversions from your ad investment.

2. Choosing poor keywords

Keywords that are not relevant or they have a low search volume affect your quality score. With a low-quality score, you pay more for every click. It ultimately results in wasting money

3. No use of negative keywords

Instead of adding few relevant keywords, you insert a set of keywords at once which fail to get a fair impression share, and your ad appears in the irrelevant searches. The solution to this is to add some broad, exact phrase negative keywords and then test to see which keyword and phrase give desired consequences.

4. No targeting

One of the common mistakes that beginners make is that they don’t apply effective targeting techniques to direct their ad to the audience and thus do not get the results.

Targeting leads to higher conversions and prevents you from paying for the clicks that do not lead to conversions.

5. No tracking

Lack of setting up proper conversion tracking is also a common mistake that beginners make. They focus more on increasing traffic to websites instead of recording the conversions and thus fail to assess their success.

Avoid Google AdWords Mistakes with Zafar Ali

Know your google AdWords mistake by simply contacting Zafar Ali.

6. Lack of understanding of campaign goals

To get maximum benefits from your Google Ad words campaign, you should be clear and determined about your goals. If you invest money and are not confident about your purpose, you will fail to put effort and to make rational decisions. 

7. No bidding on brand

Bidding on your brand generates higher conversions. When beginners do not bid on their brand, they fail to promote the business, and the competitors swipe their target audience. This technique also helps to improve your ad quality score.

8. No use of extensions

Beginners usually do not add extensions and fail to get much space on the Google search page and the ad clicks.  You can add a callout extension to attract customers by showing your unique selling point and asking them to take some action. Similarly, call extensions or message extensions are beneficial when you target mobile users

9. Lack of managing the account

Another significant mistake made by the beginners is that once they have built a campaign, they do not manage and optimize it regularly and lose the opportunities to grow their business.

10. Do not know the competitors

Another mistake beginners make is that they don’t analyze their competitors. They don’t know how their competitor\s landing pages look and what keywords they use. By scanning your competitor’s ad copy and landing pages, you can learn and bring improvements to your campaign

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