Reasons your Google ads account is suspended

Are you feeling bad because your Google Ads account is suspended? Relax! It happens to a lot of people that Google terminates their Ads accounts. But the Good news is, recovering the account is possible by following some guidelines. Read on to know more about the reasons for your Google ads account suspensions and all the possible solutions.

Ads generate revenues for businesses. Many businesses, especially e-commerce stores, depend on online advertisement platforms to publish their ads online. Google Ad Words is the best digital advertising space. Businesses use this platform to create brand awareness, generate leads, and earn significant revenues by the effective advertisement of their products or services.

Being the most popular search engine and advertising forum, Google maintains standards to provide its users the best experience

The account holders of Google Ads must follow the principles and the rules that the company sets, to get the services. Hence, once you set up your Google Ads account, the company reviews it periodically to ensure no violation of its policies.

So, if you violate any of the company’s terms and conditions and policies, your Google Ads account will suspend. But, this is not the only cause for the suspension of the Ads account. There are many other possible reasons which we are describing for you in detail!

Common reasons behind suspension of Google Ads Account

  1. Policy Violations
  2. Website has malware
  3. Payment and billing issues:

1. Policy Violations:

The most common reason that your Google Ads accounts are suspended or banned is the violation of any term of the policy. So, you must read and follow all the rules and conditions of the Google Ads Policy to keep your account running.

The violations in Google Ads policy may include:

  1. Suspicious Business Practices
  2. Fake goods promotion
  3. Promoting unauthorized drugs
  4. Evading the system
  5. Frequent violations

1.1 Suspicious Business Practices

Deceptive or unacceptable business practices lead to the suspension of Google Ads account, mostly permanently. They include providing wrong information regarding your product or services and asking for customer’s irrelevant data.

1.2 Fake goods promotion

Google prohibits you from displaying counterfeit products that are a copy of original products. Therefore, if you promote a product that is a replica of some other product, Google will terminate your account.

1.3 Promoting unauthorized drugs

Promoting pharmaceutical products in a location without having permission or authorization leads to the deactivation of the account.

1.4 Evading the system

Google suspends your account if you do any activity like steering ad information, cloaking, and devious redirects, resulting in circumvent the system.

1.5 Frequent violations:

Repeated violation of Google Ads Terms of Services will lead your account to suspension.

2. Website has malware

Another reason that your Google Ads Account is suspended is that your website gets hacked. The web pages have malware or infected software that can damage the user’s computer.

3. Payment and billing issues:
  1. Distrustful payment method
  2. Abusing promo codes
  3. Unpaid charges
  4. Other possible Reasons

3.1. Distrustful payment method:

Suspicious payment activities are also a common cause when we talk about the suspension of the account. It usually includes deceiving or fraudulent ways of making payments. Therefore, paying from a virtual card or a credit card that has a name different from that of the Ads account holders is the example

3.2. Abusing promo codes

If you use two promotional codes at one time or sell it to some other person or company, Google will suspend your Ads account.

3.3. Unpaid charges

If you have pending payment or charges, your Google ads account will get banned.

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3.4. Other possible Reasons

Some Other reasons for your Google Ads account deactivation include:

  1. An unauthorized person or source tried to access your account
  2. Your website contains deceptive or unethical content/information
  3. You have quality website landing pages
  4. You are below the age of 13
How to recover your suspended Google Ads Account?

If you follow the right procedure and techniques, you can re-activate your Google Ads account. We are guiding you to the steps and procedure of account resumption!
Contacting the Google team.

If it is difficult for you to know the exact reason why your Google Ads Account is suspended, contact the Google Ads team. You can do it by sending an email or Calling them at 1-866-2-Google. Explain your problem. The representative will guide you to the reactivation of your account. Tell them all the details regarding any possible violation you made and the methods you tried to solve the issue.

Be patient! It may take few days that the team will respond to you back with the actual reason for the suspension and the rectification process. If the reason for your Google Ad Words account suspension is suspicious or pending payment. Make the payment as soon as possible. Use the credit card that has the name same as the one on your Google ads account. However, if you sell duplicate, unlicensed, or illicit goods or your ad contains any explicit content, you should stop doing all these activities.

Are you still confused?
Let us help you!

We, at Bundle Leads deal with the cases of Google ads account suspensions. Also, we provide professional services and guidance on what you can do to reactivate your account. Our company is one of the leading SEO and Google Ad Words service providers in Lahore, Pakistan. Our expert team thoroughly examines your ad campaign, billing procedure, and the related keywords to identify every possible cause of the account termination.
We, being the best SEO Company in Lahore, provide you the solution that leads to the restoration of your Google Ads account.
Our experts amend the issue by gathering relevant data and send an account review request to the Google Ads team. We collaborate with the team and then provide you the expert solutions. Therefore, it is our responsibility that after implementing the solution, account termination doesn’t happen again.

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