A Simple Step by Step Guide to SEO by Zafar Ali

SEO, Search Engine Optimization is a vital fragment of Digital Marketing. It involves the set of tools and the practices that improve your Search Engine Rankings and bring more quality traffic to your website.

Approximately 45% of the buyers use search engines before they shop, and if you want to be visible in the search results, you have to practice SEO techniques. These techniques make you prominent among millions of other websites. SEO not only increases traffic but also improves your credibility by providing users a great experience with your business.

It not only works for large businesses but is also beneficial for small ones. 

In this simple step-by-step guide to SEO, I will provide you some easy steps to begin SEO for your website, even if you’re a beginner.

There are three major components of SEO

  1. Technical  SEO
  2. On-page SEO
  3. Off-page SEO

1. Technical  SEO

Technical SEO means that you improve the technical characteristics of your website. It does not have anything to do with the keywords search, building backlinks, and social media promotions. Technical SEO enables search engines to access, crawl, and index your website with no distraction. It mostly includes following practices

  1. Making sure that your Website has a good loading speed
  2. Finding and removing the crawl errors
  3. Providing mobile-friendly interface
  4. Making sure that your Website has a good loading speed
  5. Finding and removing the crawl errors
  6. Providing mobile-friendly interface
  7. Using HTTPS
Simple Guide to SEO by Zafar Ali

In starting bundle leads help you to configure/improve the following three major components of SEO.

  1. Technical  SEO
  2. On-page SEO
  3. Off-page SEO

2. On-page SEO

On-page SEO means that the content and HTML source code of a web page is optimized to get a higher ranking on the search engine. It is also known as on-site SEO. On-page includes relevant content, optimized headings, and images so that the search engine can analyze if your website contains content relevant to the search. It involves you to do the following things

  1. Fixing the duplicate or missing title tags and Meta descriptions
  2. Improving the quality of content and Meta tags.
  3. Making a title tag having 50 to 60 characters
  4. Using short URLs
  5. Including the keyword in the URL

3. Off-page SEO

It refers to the activities that you do off your website to improve your search engine ranking.

In simple words, off-page SEO involves the actions you do not take on your website. They include building backlinks and social media strategies. The off-page SEO requires you to perform the following actions

  1. Find and build the broken backlinks from the competitor’s website
  2. Create an effective social media strategy
  3. Assess your competitors link profile
  4. Make sure there is no 404 error
  5. Get customer reviews regularly

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