The Ultimate Guide to Google Ad Words campaign optimization by Zafar Ali

If you are done with the time-taking process of planning and building a Google ad words campaign, and you think that your work is finished, let us tell you that it is not!. Managing and optimizing the campaign is the next thing you have to do to increase your ROI. A campaign that has a perfect design gets failed usually due to poor management practices.

Optimizing your Google Ad Words account needs attention and continuous testing to bring desired results.

Through a continuous process of providing Google Ad Words campaign management services to thousands of businesses online, we’ve prepared a shortlist of essential tips to help you optimize your Google Ads campaign effectively. 

Bring improvement to your landing page.

Create and test new landing pages to find the one that has a higher conversion rate. An optimized landing page has a strong headline and is user-friendly.

Create Ad Copy

Maximize the efficiency of your ad copy by adding relevant information. It makes people chose you over your competitors. A good ad copy has a clear and precise text that describes the benefits and not the features. Another feature of effective Ad Copy is that it has a CTA ( Call To Action) captures the attention of the audience.

Optimize your headline

Make a headline having a maximum of 25 characters for your headline. Your headline should be relevant to the keywords you find. There should not be a repetition of the keyword, and the heading should have proper spacing.

Activate Google shopping reviews

Activating Google shopping reviews boost your sales by giving social proof to the customers that your product/service is worth buying. If your product/service has 4 or 5 stars reviews, the chances of more people approaching you for that particular product/service will increase.

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Some other tips
  • Stop advertising the product when it is not available
  • Focus on your quality score, higher the score, the lower will be your cost per click.
  • Use upper case letter only at the beginning, don’t write the whole word with capital letters
  • Be unique, Don’t copy your competitors.
  • Use less text and more images and videos to present your product

Manage keyword bid regularly

Keyword bidding is also an important Google Ad word optimization technique. When there occurs a change in your ROI, take some action. Increase your maximum cost per click on the keywords that give a positive outcome.


An optimized Ad Words campaigns yield positive results for your business! You have to manage and optimize your Ad Words campaigns to increase their effectiveness and to improve ROI.

To be successful with your Google Ad Words campaign is not that difficult. If you work hard with proper knowledge and familiarity, you can get the desired outcome.

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